Important Dates

Free Paper Type
- Oral Presentations (closed!)
└ Award Session (Graham & Furuse) (closed!)
└ Oral Free Paper
- E-Poster (closed!)
- Pediatric surgical video with abstracts
Free Paper Topics
- Adult Cardiac Surgery
- Congenital Cardiac Surgery
- General Thoracic Surgery
- Others (vascular, intensive care, etc.)
How to Write Abstracts
- Either a Figure or a table (only one) can be included with abstracts.
- It is available to attach the files following the format(docx, .pptx,.).
How to Submit Abstracts
- All abstracts must be submitted through the website. (Abstract(s) sent by mail or fax will not be processed by the secretariat and will not be forwarded to the scientific committee for review.)
- Regarding the two or more abstracts submission, the duplication of the abstracts' author can't be accepted. When you want to submit the other one, the abstracts needs to be assorted using the number after the author's name.
ex) Name1, Name2
Instructions for Oral presentations
● Information for Oral free papers
If your free paper is accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter via e-mail on April 7.
As soon as you receive the acceptance letter, please ready to submit the pre-recorded video presentation by May 7.
Following the guidelines of the video registration, please note the assigned time and vido format, etc.
● Information for Award Session
- One of the Oral presentaions is the Award session(Graham & Furuse) assigned to the last date on June 6.
- Presenters who submit to the award session need to send the manuscript(completed thesis) by May 20 to the secretariat's e-mail(
- If the manuscript doesn't submitted to the deadline, the abstracts will be excluded from the award session.
* Manuscript (Full Thesis) Deadline: May 60
● Video Registration Guideline
- Video Registration Deadline : May 17 (Mon),
- Modification allowance deadline : May 17 (Mon),
- Assigned time: 7 minutes
- Assigned time to surgical video session : 10 minutes
- Acceptable format: mp4, .avi, .mov, .wmv.
- How to upload:
- Notice individually to authors by e-mail
ASCVTS 2021 Secretariat's Office
Gaon Convention Services, Inc.
Room 206, 12, Moraenae-ro 7-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Tel. +82.2.2038.7988
E-mail :