We would like to formally invite you to participate in the ASCVTS 2021 Online Conference!
On behalf of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS) Council and the Program Committee, it is a great honor and my privilege to invite you to the "ASCVTS 2021 Online Conference", which will be held from June 4th (Fri.) to the 7th (Mon.), 2021
We are living in a time of unprecedented uncertainty, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, I sincerely trust that health care professionals must stay calm and carry on our devotion to study and train during these times, and we must continue to take steps further to become global leaders in the field of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. After careful and thoughtful consideration, the ASCVTS has decided to hold a fully virtual conference that is being designed for all Asian cardiothoracic surgeons.
This program will be composed of various parallel sessions including the best of the submitted abstracts, lectures from special guest speakers, and joint sessions held with multiple international scientific society experts (AATS Postgraduate Course, STS, EACTS, and the African Society) invited from all over the world. Whether you're an experienced surgeon, have just started your career, or still in training, there will be a vast amount of content designed to keep you up to date in the rapidly evolving field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. More details concerning our online conference plans will be forthcoming, so please visit our website www.ASCVTS2021.org to keep up to date.
ASCVTS exists because of its members, and it cannot develop further without your participation. Together, we will continue on our journey and fulfill our mission, which is, to extend the happy and healthy lives of Asians and the World through the advancement of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.
Once again, thank you all for your active participation at the ASCVTS 2021 Online Conference and we hope you find value in your time by interacting with one another during this upcoming academic event.
My best wishes to all of you!
We are living in a time of unprecedented uncertainty, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, I sincerely trust that health care professionals must stay calm and carry on our devotion to study and train during these times, and we must continue to take steps further to become global leaders in the field of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. After careful and thoughtful consideration, the ASCVTS has decided to hold a fully virtual conference that is being designed for all Asian cardiothoracic surgeons.
This program will be composed of various parallel sessions including the best of the submitted abstracts, lectures from special guest speakers, and joint sessions held with multiple international scientific society experts (AATS Postgraduate Course, STS, EACTS, and the African Society) invited from all over the world. Whether you're an experienced surgeon, have just started your career, or still in training, there will be a vast amount of content designed to keep you up to date in the rapidly evolving field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. More details concerning our online conference plans will be forthcoming, so please visit our website www.ASCVTS2021.org to keep up to date.
ASCVTS exists because of its members, and it cannot develop further without your participation. Together, we will continue on our journey and fulfill our mission, which is, to extend the happy and healthy lives of Asians and the World through the advancement of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.
Once again, thank you all for your active participation at the ASCVTS 2021 Online Conference and we hope you find value in your time by interacting with one another during this upcoming academic event.
My best wishes to all of you!